Innovation Management Course 2015
Handing in your assignment
The assignment regarding the Stamypor case should be delivered through the Assignment Section on Blackboard before May 17 2015, 23:59.
Submission after this date and time will not be accepted. If you have any problems or questions about this assignment or the delivery process, please send an email to for the DBA programme or to for the IBA programme.
Naming the file you hand in
The name of the file to hand in through the Assignment Section should be in the following format:
Student number-Assignment1
Answering the Assignment Questions
You are asked to answer the assignment questions in a copy of this document.
Please use the answering boxes in the assignment. Please provide answers in the following format: Times New Roman, size 10, and single spaced. There is absolutely no necessity to use more space than given in the box (in fact correct answers can easily be given in about half the space in the box).
In the assignment, yellow boxes are reserved for grading purposes. Please do NOT use these for the answers to the questions.
In total you can earn 100 points for this assignment. 10 points are given for grammar and clarity of communication. 30 are given per question.
Notice that there are 4 pages in this document including 3 questions with subquestions!
Student number:
First name:
International BA (IBA) or
Dutch BA (DBA)
Assignment Question 1:
a) The Ansoff diagram (see case Exhibit 4) distinguishes innovations based on market newness and technological newness.
i. How would you describe the level of market newness of Stamypor? Current, extended, or new? Please explain your choice briefly. (5 points) ii. How would you describe the level of technology newness of Stamypor? Current, extended, or new? Please explain your choice briefly. (5 points)
b) DSM has a clearly formulated NBD stage gate process (See Case Exhibit 5). How well did