On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, the film, Education As We See It was be shown in class. essay that applies concepts learnt in class to this film and the related overall implementation and social implications of the Aboriginal Residential School System in Canada. This assignment is an opportunity for you to showcase your understanding of the course material, and your ability to link the concepts and frameworks discussed in class and in your textbook to the actual creation, operation and outcomes of a social institution.
In addition to having an introduction and a conclusion, your short essay needs to address two parts:
1. Theoretical perspective — Which one theoretical paradigm (perspective) best helps us examine the general topic of the film and assist in understanding and explaining how the aboriginal residential educational system, implemented by the Canadian Government, attempted to destroy a culture? (Choose from: Conflict Theory or Structural Functionalism or Feminist Theory Symbolic Interactionism) Don’t forget to explain why your chosen theoretical perspective fits best.
2. Course concepts — Choose 3 - 4 concepts taught in class and apply them to the film. For example, consider: Are there gendered assumptions/cultural differences/socialization agents/depictions of social inequality evident in what was presented in the film? What course concepts can be found in the film? (You can use any course concepts you feel fit with the film — be sure to explain why/how the concept fits and include textbook citations to all course material). Don’t forget to explain (define) the concept (use in-text citations) and then
Citations: — When you use ideas from the textbook, lecture, or power-point, you must cite these. For example, in-text citations for the textbook as; (Author, Year: Page). In- text citations for lectures as: (McClinchey, lecture date). Please include a “works cited” (bibliography) page which must include a reference to all materials you cite in your paper using APA format. Your in-text citations and bibliography do not need to be perfect but you must make a good attempt at these components. • How to use in-text citations using APA: http ://gethelp. I ibrary.upenn.edu/PORT/documentationlAPAintext.html • How to cite a book (& other materials) in a bibliography using APA: http ://www.bibme. org/citation-guide/APA/book Hint The bibliographic reference for the film shown in class is: Bob, Geraldine and Gary Marcuse. (Directors). 1993. “Education As We See It.” in First Nations: The Circle Unbroken - Disk 4. [Film]. National Film Board of Canada.