Directions: Select and view a film from the following list [all available through Netflix Instant View]:
Hugo (2011)
Answer the following questions about the film and return to your instructor through private message.
1. How does this film adhere to an order? What are some narrative and stylistic elements that influence this order?
The film begins with the situation of a little boy named Hugo that lost his father to a fire in the museum that he worked in and was forced to live with his alcoholic uncle in the Gare Montparnasse railway in Paris, France. Hugo learns to work on geared mechanics and is mends the clocks of the station. Some of the narrative and stylistic elements include Hugo’s efforts to repair the automaton and find out the meaning as to why it was so important to him and his father’s life.
2. What elements of the narrative help to build suspense, surprise, shock, and/or conflict?
The ongoing efforts by Hugo to hide from the train station inspector in order to not be turned over to the orphanage from which he would be put away forever.
3. What is the genre of this film? What do you believe are the conventions of the genre and how does this film follow these conventions? The genre of this film is history adventure drama.. It follows this genre by incorporating facts referencing George Melies, film pioneer who was known for his iconic film Voyage to the Moon.
4. What are some elements of referential meaning that are represented in this work?
The elements include images and factual notations that explain the livelihood and actions of George Melies life and how he began as a magician and then turned to movies and film making. Referential meaning includes the era of the 1930’s and the setting of a train station from which most of the film is focused on.
5. What are some elements of explicit meaning that are represented in this work?
The strategic order of events of Hugo’s