Mr.Md.Rahimullah Miah
Lecturer of MIS
Department of business administration
Leading University Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Subject: Letter of submission
Dear Sir,
It is an enormous pleasure to submit my assignment titled “E-commerce System “in Bangladesh. A closer study assigned as a required of our course related.
In preparing this assignment I have acquired much knowledge about “E-commerce system”. I have tried my best to furnish the assignment with relevant data. Which I had to collect from online and related journal. I hope this assignment will help the banking sector to gather some insights on the widows to do further studies in this aspect.
I would like to convey my tributes to you and thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on this topic. Your queries in this aspect will highly be expected.
Thank you
Sincerely your
Amit kumar dey
ID: 1101010174
Section: D
7th Semester (27th Batch)
BBA Program Department of Business Administration
Leading University Sylhet, Bangladesh.
In dedication to all my friends and family who help me find happy monuments every day to celebrate
This assignment paper is prepared by me. The title of this assignment is “E-commerce system”. A closer study “under the supervision of Mr.Md.Rahimullah Miah Lecturer of MIS, Leading University Sylhet, Bangladesh .Any duplication is prohibited without the permission of author
Amit kumar dey
ID: 1101010174
Section: D
7th Semester (27th Batch)
BBA Program Department of Business Administration
Leading University Sylhet, Bangladesh.
First of all pay a special thanks to my almighty God. Who made me able to complete this report? Then I