Distribution of Coursework Marks (60%)
Group Assignment 16%
Mid Semester Examination 20%
Case Study 15%
Quizzes 5%
Presentation of Case Study 4%
Group Assignment 1. Write an essay explaining your opinion on the impact of RM depreciating (refer to the graph below) towards the business and consumer in Malaysia . The essay must be less than 2500 words with times new roman (font) and double-spacing. Submission date is on 12 Mac 2015.
2. Write an essay entitle “My Opinion on the Gold Dinar Sytem in International Trade. The essay must be less than 2500 words with times new roman (font) and double-spacing. Submission date is 27 April 2015.
Individual Assignment (Case Study)
Students would be required to submit, individually, their solutions to the cases identified in the syllabus at the end of the respective classes in which these cases are discussed. Marks would be awarded based on the written answers and presentations provided by the student.
19 Mac 2015: Submit Mini Case Study 1: First Step in the Globalization of the Yuan ( see text book, page 97) 26 Mac 2015: Submit Mini Case 2: Letting Go of Lehman Brothers (see text book, page 161)
13 April 2014: Submit Mini Case 3: Emerging Market Carry Trades (see text book, page 215)
The test would be held on Tuesday, 21/04//2015 at 8.30 pm until 9.30 pm. It would encompass the first five topics as specified in the syllabus. The test paper would comprise forty (40) multiple choice questions.