1.History....................................................... • Birth of Coca-Cola • New Coke • 21st Century
2.Production.................................................. • Original formula • Other formulas • Bottle design
3.Advertising................................................. • Slogans for Coca-Cola • Coca-Cola and Santa Claus
More than a century after the creation of Coca-Cola,we’re still as much in love with this famous soft drink as our great-grandparents were. Hold up a Coke and you proclaim all that’s best about the American way of life. Coca-Cola is also one of the most successful companies the world has ever known; nothing can be that big and popular, so much a part of everyday life,without having legends spring up around it. The history of Coca-Cola is a story of special moments - times with family and friends and special occasions when Coke was naturally there.
Every person who drinks a Coca-Cola enjoys a moment of refreshment-and share in an experience that millions of others have savored. And all of those individual experiences combined have created a worldwide phenomenon – a truly global brand that plays its own small part on the world stage.Coca-Cola touches the lives of millions of people each and every day. The brand has become a special part of people’s lives. Refreshment is a language everyone understands and no one speaks it better than Coca-Cola. This is the reason why I decided to write about ``America’s Real Choice``, Coca-Cola.
So... Have a Coke and a smile ! (
Birth of Coca Cola
It was 1886, and in New York Harbor, workers were constructing the Statue of Liberty. Eight hundred miles away, another great