Through this she expresses her value of family as a cohesive unit. Just like Penelope in the Odyssey she views people as a physical manifestation of home. For Penelope Ithaca without Odysseus was not home, while for Tecmessa without Ajax she will be both physically and emotionally homeless. She claims that although she has suffered terrible things, she has always supported Ajax selflessly. Therefore, she believes that one should always remember the kindness laid on them. For Ajax, to act nobly would be him remembering her kindness and acting in her best interest because she has always acted in …show more content…
While Tecmessa views nobility as a way of kindness and reciprocity, Ajax believes that nobility is revealing one’s true nature, confronting the truth instead of making excuses. To him, staying to care for Tecmessa is merely a way to halt the eventual passage of time and only holds him back from his eventual fate of death. Because of this view, he disregards her speech and carries on with his suicide, wanting to die on his own terms, an individual not connected to anyone else in contrast to Tecmessa’s