Myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack, takes place when blood flow is interrupted to a part of your heart, allowing a blood clot to obstruct a coronary artery supplying blood to the heart and the heart muscle dies. Each year, the American Heart Association brings together the most up-to-date statistics on heart attacks, and their risk factors. In 2010, the estimate on heart attacks in the U.S. is about $316 billion in order to provide health care, and medicines. A myocardial infarction is indeed one of the most serious illnesses in the world. In the United States alone, 785,000 people undergo their first heart attack and another 470,000 experience a second heart attack every year. With about 1.5 million people suffering from a heart…
Today one of the most fatal heart conditions that has developed would be atherosclerosis. atherosclerosis is usually the cause of myocardial infarctions, angina pectoris, and peripheral vascular disease. The statement in WebMD, What is Athersclerosis, by Dr. James Beckerman states that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in America with more than 800,000 deaths in 2005.…
CAD is thought to begin with damage or injury to the intimal layer of coronary artery, sometimes as early as childhood. The damage may be caused by various factors, including: smoking, hypertension, hypercholestromia, diabetes or insulin resistance, radiation therapy to the chest, as used for certain types of cancer, and sedentary lifestyle. Once the intimal layer of coronary artery is damaged, fatty deposits (plaques) made up of cholesterol and other cellular waste products tend to accumulate at the site of injury in a process called atherosclerosis. If the surface of these plaques breaks or ruptures, platelets will clump at the site to try to repair the artery. This clump can block the artery, leading to a heart attack. Recent research has…
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains Australia’s biggest killer, mostly because of the deaths it causes among older people. It is also the second largest contributor to the burden of disease in Australia, after cancer. In 2007 CVD, which encompasses all heart and blood vessel, defects and conditions (e.g. stroke, heart attack) attributed to over a third of all deaths in Australia. It was the primary cause of death for over 46,623 Australians in that year. The prevalence of CVD in Australia is closely linked to the age of individuals, as the age of an individual increases the prevalence of CVD also trends upwards.…
The disease process for atherosclerosis is vast and includes many specific biomarkers, inflammatory mediators and cells along its progression. The vast majority of the disease process begins within the endothelium of the vascular system. A healthy artery has healthy endothelial cells that regulate the tonicity of the vessels and help to apply antiplatelet, anticoagulation and fibrinolytic elements (Galkina & Ley, 2007). Without these components, platelets clump together and cause potential occlusions in the vessels, resulting in localized ischemia and possibly the formation of emboli or thrombi. The tonicity and shape of the endothelium are controlled by the release of several vasoconstrictor (endothelin and angiotensin II) and vasodilator (prostacyclin, bradykinin and nitric oxide) chemical mediators (Davignon & Ganz, 2004).…
There are a great number of diseases such as cancer and HIV around the world. However, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is now arousing public attention due to its increasing effect on populations. ‘Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the name for the group of disorders of heart and blood vessels such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular diseases’ (WHO, 2012). CVD has enormous impacts on health and kills an estimated 17 million individuals worldwide annually (Mandal, 2012). A great amount of research explicitly indicates some causes. The most important factors of CVD are unhealthy lifestyle, tobacco use and alcohol abuse. To avoid suffering from CVD, individuals should engage in regular physical activities, choose a balanced diet, and reduce consumption of tobacco and alcohol. The following assignment will analyze the causes of cardiovascular disease.…
In 2001, hypertensive disease caused about one-third of all mortalities, with about 85% of these deaths in low to middle income countries. (Anon, 2014) Heart attacks effects 12.7% of the world’s population. In China, 48% of the adults and 79% of the elders suffer from high blood pressure.…
According to WHO (World Health Organization), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia.…
There are many different types of heart diseases. Coronary seems to be the main form.…
And the incidence of clinical consequences of atherosclerosis such as ischemic heart disease rises with age, especially after the age of 40 (Chambless et al., 1997). It is much more common in men in comparison to women and the important risk factors that predispose towards atherosclerosis include smoking, hypertension, diabetes and high serum cholesterol. The patient is 56 years old, has elevated cholesterol and hypertension which he is on dietary therapy for, hence it is likely he has atheroma formation which is the pathological reason behind his angina pectoris. Most coronary heart diseases (CHD) are caused by atherosclerosis which are responsible for more than 73,000 deaths in the UK each year, about 1 in 6 men die from CHD (, 2017). The patient has hyperlipidaemia which is anything above 5.0mmol/L and it is closely associate with cardiovascular diseases. There is evidence (Ross and Harker, 1976; Fazio, 2001) that strongly suggests that hyperlipidaemia increases the chances of developing progressive atherosclerosis and hence the chances of having a myocardial infarction, stroke and gangrene of the extremities (Ross, 1993). Myocardial infarction and stroke are possible fatal complications associated with atherosclerosis, as a piece of the thrombus can break off and travel to a smaller artery to block off blood flow to a part of the myocardium or…
Problem Statement: Chronic diseases – such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity – are the most common and leading causes of death in America.…
The biggest contributor to cardiovascular system- related morbidity and mortality is coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease that affects arteries throughout the body. (CAD)…
According to the CDC (2010b), cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women (34.3 percent of all deaths), and is estimated to affect over 81 million people in the United States (AHA, 2010). Cardiovascular disease includes several conditions (AHA, 2010): high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. Coronary heart disease is the most…
According to The National Institutes of Health indicates that approximately 1.1 Million Americans suffer a heart attack each year, and together cardiovascular…
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death globally. Over the last century, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has burgeoned from a less impact disease to a leading cause of death and disability. By 2020, CVDs are projected to surpass infectious diseases as the leading cause of mortality. The number of deaths due to CVD is projected to increase to 23.3 million by 2030 [ ]. Blood is normally considered a sterile environment in healthy individuals [Drennan, 1942]. Earlier, it has been reported that blood might contain microbes or their components even in healthy individuals [Nikkari et al., 2001; Li et al., 2012]. After the studies on the human microbiome were initiated in the year 2008, microbes were identified to be a part…