within a seconds. The only memories that are left or to show that people were even there was their shadows. Shadows etching out the Japanese people's daily lives. Whether it was children playing or a man sitting on a sidewalk. The after effects of the bombings are still here with us today. The radiation mutated many people including their children in the future. Babies came deformed or died while still in the womb. Children who do survive did not deserved to be this way. While it is tragic we lost lives at Pearl Harbor, more violence only cause more deaths. There could have been a different approach that would cause less caulsities.
within a seconds. The only memories that are left or to show that people were even there was their shadows. Shadows etching out the Japanese people's daily lives. Whether it was children playing or a man sitting on a sidewalk. The after effects of the bombings are still here with us today. The radiation mutated many people including their children in the future. Babies came deformed or died while still in the womb. Children who do survive did not deserved to be this way. While it is tragic we lost lives at Pearl Harbor, more violence only cause more deaths. There could have been a different approach that would cause less caulsities.