An aerobic, atrazine degrade bacterial strain Ensifer sp. CX-T, which contained degrade gene atzA was isolated and investigated by Ma et al. (2017) in previous research. Another atrazine degraded bacterial strain K (GenBank: MF581283) was …show more content…
Liquid samples were injected with a GC Pal auto sampler. The split/splitless injector was operated in splitless mode for 1 min, then in split mode (split ratio 1:10) held at 250 °C with a He carrier flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The GC oven was programmed from 65 °C (held: 1min), ramp 20 °C/min to 180 °C (held: 10 min), then ramp 15 °C/min to 230 °C (hold: 8 min)(Meyer et al., 2009). The mass spectrometer was operated at an accelerating potential of 10 kV. Ions were generated by an electron impact of 70 eV. The emitted energy for C isotope analyses was 1.5 and 2.0 mA for N isotope analyses. Before isotope analysis, the separated analytes were combusted online to CO2 and N2, respectively, with a NiO tube/CuO-NiO reactor (Thermo Fisher Scientific) operating on 1020 °C. During carbon and nitrogen analysis by GC-IRMS, analytes were measured against a laboratory standard gas (CO2 and N2, respectively) which was introduced into at the beginning and the end of each run. Both standard gases were calibrated to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V-PDB) and Air, respectively. The typical deviation from atrazine measurements was ± 0.7‰ for carbon and ± 0.9‰ for nitrogen according to Meyer et al. (Meyer et al.,