While the electrodes are gathering the pattern of the signals form the heart there is a monitor screen that is there to show the pattern. There is a specific pattern that the electrical signals it should follow. There should be a small bump at the beginning of the pattern this bump is called a P wave. A P wave means that it is the atria are contracting. The next part of the electrocardiogram is the QRS, in the QR the ventricles are contracting while the atria are relaxing and in RS the ventricles. So the QR wave goes up and the RS wave goes down then there is a T wave which just simply show that the ventricles are repolarizing. If the person has atrial fibrillation the electrocardiogram will show no P wave is shown its just squiggly lines. The distances between the waves are irregular and show little to no relaxation of the ventricles. The next test that can be done is a stress test. During stress test the patient is hooked up to an electrocardiogram and is on a treadmill or a stationary bike. The objective of this test is to how much stress the heart can take and to see the different rhythm pattern during the
While the electrodes are gathering the pattern of the signals form the heart there is a monitor screen that is there to show the pattern. There is a specific pattern that the electrical signals it should follow. There should be a small bump at the beginning of the pattern this bump is called a P wave. A P wave means that it is the atria are contracting. The next part of the electrocardiogram is the QRS, in the QR the ventricles are contracting while the atria are relaxing and in RS the ventricles. So the QR wave goes up and the RS wave goes down then there is a T wave which just simply show that the ventricles are repolarizing. If the person has atrial fibrillation the electrocardiogram will show no P wave is shown its just squiggly lines. The distances between the waves are irregular and show little to no relaxation of the ventricles. The next test that can be done is a stress test. During stress test the patient is hooked up to an electrocardiogram and is on a treadmill or a stationary bike. The objective of this test is to how much stress the heart can take and to see the different rhythm pattern during the