Atrophy is the decrease in cell size due to stress or injury. If enough cells undergo atrophy, an entire organ can become atrophic. There are two types of atrophy: physiological and pathological. Physiological atrophy occurs during early development while pathological atrophy can be caused by a number of factors including aging, disuse, and malnutrition. As a person ages, his or her brain and endocrine-dependent organs undergo atrophy and begin to shrink. People who are paralyzed or confined to bed undergo skeletal muscle atrophy due to lack of use. Atrophy due to malnutrition induces autophagic vacuoles, a type of vacuole that destroys other cells.
Hypertrophy is the opposite of atrophy and is the increase in cell size which leads to an …show more content…
During apoptosis, cell size decreases and the nucleus undergoes fragmentation while the plasma membrane and cellular contents remain intact. Necrosis is unregulated while apoptosis may be induced to get rid of unwanted cells. Necrosis can affect entire organs including the kidneys, heart, pancreas, adrenal glands, and many more. Necrosis may cause dead brain tissue, fat, lower leg tissue, and extremities. Although apoptosis can also occur in normal tissue, it is often beneficial, such as involution of the lactating breast after weaning. Other times apoptosis occurs is after severe injury (to remove cells that cannot be repaired), to remove misfolded proteins, and to remove cells that are infected. Apoptosis can be excessive, which is known as dysregulated apoptosis, and can increase risk of