To start off with, college graduates have a superior money income compared to students who simply just graduated with a high school diploma and a greater wealth overall. In the educational video “5 Ways Ed Pays” it …show more content…
All the experiences one will have in college should sufficiently improve social skills, and just grow a more outgoing personality. In the video, “Five Ways Ed Pays” further information shows that college graduates begin to spend time at events and have more of a social life. This factual video further reveals that college grads are “66% more likely to be around family and do family activities” (5 Ways Ed Pays). In an old CBS news interview with interviewee, Vivek Wadhwa, explains that at college students “gain social skills while in college.” “ By partying, students learn social skills” Wadhwa claims (Wadhwa). Students learn how to “interact with each other, how to manage with others, and learn how to deal with rejection, success, and failure. Partying may seem like an unproductive activity but while going out and making new friends students get innovative and get ahead because” of their new found social