Throughout the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus was a great father. This is so because
throughout the book, Atticus and his children are constantly exposed to major acts of racism,
that being one of the main highlights of this book, and regardless of the fact that Atticus is born
and raised below the Mason-Dixon line, he understands the power of racism and the things that
it can cause, so he tries to stop it. The story taking place in the early 20th century, and us, the
reader, reading in current day, you can tell that what he and his family was exposed to as it
relates to racial stereotypes were completely unexcusable and not appropriate, so for him to fight
the popular beliefs of the …show more content…
This is another quote that gives evidence of Atticus being a good father, based on the
fact that he found his children playing with scissors, a sharp, injury-prone object, and cared
enough to confiscate the scissors from the children because he cared about their well-being and
did not want them to hurt themselves while playing with them, thus proving her cares immensely
about his children, that being a trait of a good father. To conclude my essay on why Atticus is in fact a good father, I leave you with theese
quotes, the quotes being the resounding evidence to my fact, that being that Atticus was a good
father. Regardless of what you, the reader, may think of my evidence, it is known hands down
that based on the evidence provided throughout this book, it would be near impossible to find an
argument as to why Atticus would NOT be a good father, and even if the accuser could muster
up a logical argument, the rebuttal strength based on the information provided in the book would
be far too much evidence to allow Atticus being a bad father to be a present possibility in the book. So the claim that Atticus is a good father throughout the book to his children is a definite