(A three-stage process underlies an attribution) * behavior must be observed/perceived * behavior must be determined to be intentional * behavior attributed to internal or external causes
INTERNAL – personal
Explanations in terms of personal characteristics. For example: * “The baby must be a happy baby.”
EXTERNAL – situational
Explanations in terms of situational factors. For example: * “Someone must have just played with the baby .”
Three elements of attribution
(Attributions are classified along Three elements of attribution) * Locus of control (causality attributions affect our affective(emotional) reactions to success and failure)
Genetics, emotional, judgment, etc
Society, family, luck, etc. * Stability (Stability attributions affect our predictions about the future)
Unstable, changeable*
Temporary state
Stable, unchangeable*
Enduring Trait
* Controllability (controllability affects our persistence on task)
Personally accountable
Blaming other people, things, luck, etc.
(Weiner’s attribution theory is mainly about achievement) (Achievement can be attributed to) four factors * Consistency: Is the baby always smiling? * Distinctiveness: Are there occasions on which the baby doesn’t smile? * Consensus: Do all babies