Professor: Maryann Lamer
June 3, 2010
Audience Analysis When conducting an in-person meeting to a group of professional peers there are many things to consider. It is customary and recommended that before one embarks on such a mission to analyze potential options in which to proceed and potential barriers that may arise that will ultimately detract from the success of the meeting. The following is the findings of conducted research into a suggested process in which to proceed what the meeting, such as an overview of the audience, appropriate communication channels, diversity of the audience, how to ensure that the message is effective.
Audience Characteristics In some ways there is an advantage as the …show more content…
presenter of this in-person meeting. The advantage is that some of the people present in the meeting will be co-workers. Co-workers are usually individuals that correspond daily and because of this daily correspondence one may have the ability of analyzing this part of the audience with ease. Analysis of the audience allows for greater individualization of the meeting. For the attendees that are not common additional information comes from talking to people who know the audience or the audience members themselves. The orator of the meeting must consider the way in which people interact with others, how they perceive information, and how individuals orient themselves to the external world. According to ( ##### reading) this is achieved by using the Myers-Briggs Type indicator which uses four pairs of dichotomies to identify the ways that people differ.
Appropriate communication channels One the characteristics of the audience are considered the next step is to analyze the different channels of communication and determine which channel of communication is appropriate for the particular audience.
A communication channel is the way in which the presenter conveys a message. Channels of communication vary in speed; accuracy of transmission, cost, number of messages carried, and number of people reached efficiency, and ability to promote good will. The purpose and intent of the message will play an important role in determining this line of communication. There are differences in communication that must be considered. Taking a look at communication the following is the differences …show more content…
A written message makes it easier to • Present extensive or complex data. • Present many specific details. • Minimize undesirable emotions.
Messages on paper are more formal than email messages however; written messages take away from the emotion and ability for the presenter to take advantage of the unspoken language – body language.
Oral messages make it easier to: • Use emotion to help persuade the audience. • Focus the audience’s attention on specific points. • Resolve conflicts and build consensus. • Modify plans. • Receive immediate action or response.
Choosing the correct method of communication is of the utmost importance and can make or break a project. The key to a successful meeting is audience research and analysis. Once the audience analysis is complete one can use their findings to determine the benefits of the message to the audience.
Audience benefits are advantages that the audience receives by using service buying products, following policies, or adopting ideas. Once the benefits are determined it is to the advantage of the presenter to determine if their purpose is to persuade the audience or to simply inform them of a new way or product. An informative message gives reasons to comply with the information that is announced and suggest that the information is good. In the organization that employs government civilians an example of an informative meeting would be when they bring personnel in to inform them of changes to the insurance policy. This type of meeting is done every year. This meeting is beneficial to the audience because it deals with something that financially affects the employees. The suggestion is that the information is good for the employees. On the other hand their may have been a prior meeting in which the company wanted to introduce changes to the insurance policy that would benefit the employee but would save the company money as well would have to be presented differently. Because of the possible changes present in co-payments, benefits, or deductibles the presenter may have to prepare a persuasive message. Persuasive messages give reasons to act and help overcome audience resistance. Knowing that differences in messages can be so stark, which changes the
entire method or approach of the meeting? There are characteristics of good audience benefits. Good benefits to a group meet four criteria. Adapt benefits to the audience in the aforementioned example one can write to stress different benefits for the audience. An effective good audience benefit will paint a picture of good to highlight the benefits. Stress intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivators is the next criteria. Intrinsic motivators come automatically from using a product or doing something. Extrinsic motivators are motivators that someone in power decides to give them; they do not necessarily come from using the product or doing the action. According to the text, intrinsic motivators or better than extrinsic for two reasons. There are not enough physical motivators that a customer can receive. There is no way to give a price to every customer every time an order is placed. Extrinsic motivators actually make people less satisfied with the products they buy or the procedures they follow.