According to Engleberg and Daly (2005), [a]udience analysis [is] the ability to understand and adapt to listeners, separates good speakers from great ones and is critical to improving your presentation. A thoughtful, deliberate analysis of the audience and their likely responses to your presentation can help you plan what to say and how to say it (p. 101).” Audience analysis is imperative to be able to relate to and understand your audience and their motives. Knowing your audience will help you to better outline your presentation and be able to consider the proper communication channels to ensure that the message you are trying to convey is effective. Also, because effective communication is necessary and important to be …show more content…
successful in almost any job today and in today’s society, audience analysis becomes an integral part of the communication process when planning any type of presentation whether verbal or nonverbal. When presenting any type of information to a single individual or a group of individuals, audience analysis should be carefully taken into consideration before getting started on any project. Say for example that, I am the finance director in my organization, and I have been called upon to verbally present the quarterly sales information to a group of stakeholders, managers, salespeople, and customers. Well, in order to present this information in a way that is clear and concise to my audience, I will have to take into consideration the following: the characteristics of the audience, the communication channels would be most appropriate, the diversity of the audience, and finding the most appropriate ways to ensure that my message is effective.
Audience Characteristics
Audience characteristics involve figuring out demographic and psychographic characteristics.
According to Locker and Kienzler (2008), “[d]emographic characteristics are measurable features that can be counted objectively: age, sex, race, religion, education level, income, and so on (pg. 44),” and “[p]sychographic characteristics are qualitative rather than quantitative: values, beliefs, goals, and lifestyles (pg. 45).”
Demographic characteristics such as nationality and education level can play an important role during a presentation regarding the quarterly sales information. Because audience members may be comprised of individuals from different nationalities especial attention must be taken in the way you use your words since English may be their second language. The use of language is very important because you don't want people to misinterpret your intentions and the message you are trying to convey. Also, because members of the audience will most likely be represented by individuals with different levels of education, not everyone will be familiar with the financial terminology and a little more background information and more explanations may be necessary. Because it will be difficult to meet everyone’s needs, the presentation should be structured to appeal to the majority of those who will be more interested in the quarterly sales information such as managers and …show more content…
Psychographic characteristics such as beliefs and goals are also important characteristics to consider when conducting the presentation. Because audience members may have different beliefs and attitudes toward the subject matter finding out what is most important to them can also help in presenting the information in a way that would be more appealing to them. Also, finding out their goals and their purpose for attending the presentation can help to narrow the specific information that can be provided in the presentation.
Communication Channels
According Locker and Kienzler (2008), “[a] communication channel is the means by which you convey your message (pg. 49).” For this type of presentation the most appropriate channel to communicate the quarterly sales information to such a diversified audience is through an oral presentation. During an oral presentation, the use of presentation aids can serve as a means for displaying any key ideas or supporting material. The information can be communicated through a Power Point presentation with the use of spreadsheets, graphs, and important bullet notes to help the audience understand what is being presented. The spreadsheets and graphs can be used to show the levels of productivity, sales, and profit. The visual aids presented will aid in illustrating the quarterly sales information and it will help the audience to better understand the material presented.
Audience Diversity
Because of the diversity of the audience some considerations must be kept in mind.
As stated earlier, some members of the audience can come from different nationalities or have different levels of education, and so forth. In this case it is important to pay special attention to the way you use your words, and to give a little more background information so that individuals understand what you are trying to convey. If you don’t take the time out to give any background information, you may run the risk of losing the attention of some audience members as they may become frustrated with your presentation. To help convey the information an overview can be included for those audience members who need just the main points such as the managers and the salespeople (Locker & Kienzler,
Sending an Effective Message
First, one of the most important components to sending an effective message is starting out with a strong introduction to the entire presentation. An introduction that makes the topic clear, gives a purpose, and outlines the sequence of the presentation. In addition, to ensure that the message is effective it is also imperative to make sure that all of the audience’s questions are answered. Also, asking the audience for feedback concerning the way they have perceived the message, what they heard, and the meaning they have attached to the presentation can also help to assure that all members of the audience got a clear understanding of the information that was presented. It is also crucial that, all the information presented be accurate, well organized, and easy to follow (Locker & Kienzler, 2008).
Audience analysis is one of the most important issues to consider when preparing any type of presentation whether is verbal or nonverbal. Communicating information to an audience can be very intimidating if not properly prepared and it can also send out the wrong message. It is for this reason that adequate preparation and planning are imperative. Effective communication is a critical component in any business regardless of the type of business. All employees, in spite of position or level of experience must be conscious to the fact that they could be called upon at any time to provide a formal presentation.
Engleberg, I. N. (2005). Presentations in everyday life: Strategies for effective speaking (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Locker, K., & Kienzler, D. (2008). Business and Administrative Communication (8th edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.