Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) will do almost anything they can do to not be put in a social interactive situation. These individuals get anxious, sometimes to the point that they physically don’t feel well. Therefore, how do you help the child with both Autism and SAD properly function in today’s society in the best way possible, while also making sure that they’re comfortable? This is a difficult question to answer, due to the fact that every child is different. This comorbidity diagnosis is no
Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) will do almost anything they can do to not be put in a social interactive situation. These individuals get anxious, sometimes to the point that they physically don’t feel well. Therefore, how do you help the child with both Autism and SAD properly function in today’s society in the best way possible, while also making sure that they’re comfortable? This is a difficult question to answer, due to the fact that every child is different. This comorbidity diagnosis is no