According to Courchesne, Campbell, and Solso (2010), one of the most effective ways to diagnose early autism is to discover the excessive neurons in the brain. The effects of these extra neurons create a fast brain development in early childhood, and then eventually the development slows down to an abnormal brain growth. The slow rate of …show more content…
Slaunder, Bosch, and Nuij (2011).Atypical visual orienting to eye gaze and arrow cues in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,5,742-748.
2. Mayes and Calhoun (2010).Impact of IQ,age,SES,gender,and race on autistic symptoms. Autism Spectrum Disorders,5,749-757.
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4. Courchesne, Campbell, and Solso (2010).Brain growth across the life span in autism:Age specific changes in anatomical pathology.Brain Research,1380,138-145.
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