norepinephrine B. acetylcholine C. nitric oxide D. All of the choices are correct. Blooms Level: 1. Remember Fox - Chapter 09 #61 Section: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 5. _____________ is released by most postganglionic sympathetic nerves. A. Acetylcholine B. Epinephrine C. Norepinephrine D. Dopamine Blooms Level: 1. Remember Fox - Chapter 09 #59 Section: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 6. Damage to the _____________ nerve would inhibit salivary production. A. abducens B. vagus C. hypoglossal D. facial Blooms Level: 1. Remember Fox - Chapter 09 #34 Section: 9.02 Table: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 7. Nicotinic agonists would bind cholinergic receptors on preganglionic autonomic neurons. TRUE Blooms Level: 2. Understand Fox - Chapter 09 #79 Section: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 8. The _____________ has both a1 and b1 receptors and responds to sympathoadrenal stimulation with glycogenolysis and secretion of glucose. A. liver B. pancreas C. adrenal cortex D. None of the choices are correct. Blooms Level: 1. Remember Fox - Chapter 09 #67 Section: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 9. Heart rate is increased in response to sympathetic …show more content…
Blood flow to skeletal muscle would be _____________ in response to muscarinic antagonists. A. increased B. decreased C. not changed Blooms Level: 2. Understand Fox - Chapter 09 #81 Section: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 17. The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system A. has long postganglionic neurons. B. has a single neuron arising from the spinal cord. C. has relatively short preganglionic neurons. D. has terminal ganglia embedded in the visceral effectors Blooms Level: 1. Remember Fox - Chapter 09 #36 Section: 9.02 Topic: Nervous System 18. A defect in nitric oxide synthetase gene may result in reduced ___________ of cerebral arteries since nitric oxide production would be impaired. A. vasoconstriction B. vasodilation Blooms Level: 3. Apply Fox - Chapter 09 #89 Section: 9.03 Topic: Nervous System 19. The splanchnic nerves synapse in the A. paravertebral ganglia. B. collateral ganglia. C. white rami communicantes. D. gray rami communicantes. Blooms Level: 1. Remember Fox - Chapter 09 #25 Section: 9.02 Topic: Nervous System 20. The ____________________ can control autonomic function such that under some emotional states, autonomically controlled visceral reactions like blushing, fainting, etc., can