Stage 2 Autonomy vs. Shame-Will: This takes place between 18 months and 3 years. At this stage, children develop personal control and independence. If a child does not succeed in feelings of autonomy, then the child w:ill result in feelings of shame and low self-esteem.
Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt-Purpose: This happens between 3 to 5 years of life. Children imitate adults and take initiative in creating play situation. A children will gain a sense of purpose in this stage. If the children fails, then
this consequences in a sense of guilt.
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority-Competence: From 6 to 12 years of life, a children learns academic skills, and develops a sense of industry. This is a social stage of development where accomplishment leads to feelings of competence, but failure leads to feelings of inferiority.
Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion-Fidelity: 12 to 18 years of life, an individual has developed sense of self and personal identity. Unsuccessful at this stage leads to role confusion. Adolescence that are successful in this stage tend to stay true to their selves.
Stage 6: Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation-Love: This occurs between 18 to 35 years of life. Individuals tend to seek companions and love. Success in this stage leads to solid relationship, but if unsuccessful, isolation occurs.
Stage 7: Generativity vs. Self-absorption or Stagnation-Care: The most important things in this stage are careers, work, and family. If an adult fails in this stage then they will feel inactivity and meaninglessness. Success in this development leads to feelings of usefulness.
Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair-Wisdom: this takes place from 55 to 65 or death. This stage older adults reflection on life. Some feeling they had fulfill life, meaningful life, and valuable contribution to society. Others feel despair, reflecting on their failures.