Protestant Reformation: Started by ____________________ in 1519 when he nailed the _________theses to
the ___________________ Church door. Luther was upset by the sale of_______________ (holy relics that could
be bought to get into heaven). The nailing of the 95 theses caused the Catholic Church to split into
__________________and _________________.
In response, the Catholic Church held the _______________________________ and started the
__________________________________________________, where they got rid of indulgences.
Both are still branches of Christianity but differ on their beliefs on how you connect with ___________,
who is the head of the Church (Catholics believe it is the _____________). The protestant reformation
could not have happened without the invention on the _____________________ in 1453.
The Renaissance was the _______________of knowledge from the Ancient ____________ and Ancient
________________. It was a time of progress in _________ and ____________. The catholic church played a large
role in the renaissance as they were____________ (paid for) many of the most famous pieces of art.
–Art began to have realistic ___________________________________________ and __________________________ (depth)
Leondardo Da Vinci painted the _________________________.
Rafael painted the _________________________________________.
Michelangelo sculpted ______________________________________ (Mary holding Jesus off the cross)
Donatello sculpted ______________________________________.
Don Quioxote- Miguel De __________________ wrote the first ____________________about a Spaniard who
believes he is a _________________________.
Macbeth- William ________________ wrote a play about a man who has a __________________he will become
______________ but goes crazy trying to make it come true.
Divine Comedy- Dante Alighieri wrote the first