At approximately (1158hrs), I approached MBDO Gary McGuire to congratulate him on making best qualified for LBDO position adjacent to the John Wayne Administrative Office. Prior to concluding my conversation with MBDO McGuire, SBDO John Wagner asked if he could have a private conversation with him after the conclusion of AM shift at the BDO office, which I accepted. At the conclusion of PM briefing at (1245hrs), I waited for SBDO Wagner as he requested.…
On 1/9/2016, CM did a visual to locate the client to Bi-Weekly ILP Review and Hospital discharged follow up. Client was located in the Cafeteria. In the meeting client appears to be cooperative and friendly. Client speaks with a heavy Russian accent making difficulty to understand. She appears to be in no acute distress.…
It is my pleasure to recommend Molly Rooy to your Physician's Assistant program as she is an exceptionally qualified candidate. As an MD I need full confidence and trust with my interdisciplinary team when caring for our medically complex patients. When Molly started with Select Specialty, a long-term acute care hospital, she was quick to develop connections with staff, patients and family. I immediately learned that I could rely on her as she routinely updates me on the nutritional status of patients, modifications to her interventions and provides appropriate recommendations. Her charting is impeccable, including thoroughly explaining her interventions and are always up-to-date. Molly's superior critical thinking and problem-solving skills…
A love as great as thine can not be grasped even by Deaths icy hand!…
As a person I hope to be married to my girlfriend of over 5 years and have a stable environment where we can raise our daughter. Being a father I hope to be loving and caring, while being able to provide for my family’s needs. As a leader in the public service it is my goal to be a designated specialist in a fire department upon completing my graduate school. As a member of a public service department that takes an all hazard approach to serving communities there are many avenues that individuals can excel. The areas of concentration that appeal to me are Urban Search and Rescue and Hazardous Materials Response. Specialist level certification requires the educational foundation sought out in professional development classes and multiple years…
I’m not as glamorous as I might seem. I’m just an ordinary student in 10th grade, who likes to learn things. Others may be more charismatic or handsome, but I have something that they do not. I posses an essential life skill; initiative. You (as the readers from the National Honors Society) may think that what I am saying is absurd, but I am here to prove my worth one paragraph at a time. I am a well educated individual who has repeatedly demonstrated initiative and high standards of reliability.…
Walking into the AA meeting made me feel very awkward and out of place, but as the meeting began and everyone started sharing their stories I began to feel comfortable about being there. When I first went in the room the chairs were set up in a circle with some on the outside of it. I decided to take a seat on the outside so I wouldn’t be of focus during the meeting. They started the meeting off with reading some inspirational words and then reading the 12 steps. Their focus tonight was on a higher power and how believing in that higher power helps you stay sober. After brief introductions and stating their names, they began discussion and whoever wanted to speak had the opportunity to do so. Listening to all of their stories was really interesting. Almost all of the members have been sober for at least 30 days and more and about four people were just recently sober, with one being sober only three days now. One of the member’s stories really stood out to me. He said that he has been an alcoholic for years now, but always believed he can cure himself and control how many drinks he has. He mentioned that he went out last week with his buddies and wasn’t able to stop himself from going overboard with the drinking. He said he was in a blackout for four days and lost his job. That’s why he ended up at the treatment center; he said he realized that it isn’t possible to be a social drinker when you are an alcoholic. During his story he explained how he had the shakes and the classic withdrawal symptoms and I began to think about what I had learned in class and related it. Another member’s story was about social drinking. She said that her friend was coming home that she knew from college and wanted to get together. She thought about the friendship and realized that she wasn’t a friend and that she was just an old party buddy. She explained that she has a whole new group of sober friends that she hangs out with and that she can’t hang out with her old friends of whom she…
Edmundson, A. (2013, May 13). Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. WebMD. Retrieved February 3, 2014, from…
Mr Johan experiences symptoms of panic attack when he feels self-conscious in front of other people when performing certain tasks. He reported feeling faint and had black out of thoughts during those episodes, whereby he was not able to think of anything. Both his hands would tremble and become numb. He would also be sweating but experienced no symptoms of pounding heart or choking sensations. Those panic symptoms would often last for one to two hours or until he removed himself from the anxiety provoking situation.…
Successfully meet the average DCPDS production goal (300+) actions (to include Recruit Fills) during the rating period (Apr-Mar). Ensure assigned Request for Personnel Actions (RPAs) are processed accurately in DCPDS within 14 days of receipt. Review RPAs for accuracy and to ensure a minimum to no error (e.g. 1%) rate. Maintain timely entries in the VA Log and Staffing Actions Tracker (e.g. daily). Submit DFAS remedy tickets for pay issues and/or clear system “reject’s”; and check for resolution or status daily. No more than 2 instances of updating incorrect data or failure to update accurate information.…
Currently, staff members receive an annual performance appraisal which evaluates performance for the entire year. An annual employee survey is conducted to determine the views and perceptions of employee of the hospital and their colleagues. Since MDs work for Columbia University, they are assessed by the college and the method of evaluation was unknown at this time. Both methods of evaluation appear to be effective as employee performance appraisals are being completed annually and in a timely manner. Given the current findings, one can determine that employees should be given another forum to address issues on their performance throughout the year. Monthly and audits are performed on charts in an attempt to discover potential area for reeducation. Daily audits are also done for pyxis, gluconmeter, code carts to ensure that equipment is ready for emergencies. A major component missing is a collaborative interaction between healthcare personnel. Staff members are offered the opportunity to attend continued education, in-services and certification classes as an incentive and to enhance…
The final KSA that is important is marketability. Coming into BUSX-301 I had barely any credibility. Helping companies build brand awareness and maintain level of marketability is important. Therefore, not being marketable will not land me a…
There are several reasons why Euthanasia is wrong. I’m just going to name a few. First is because it doesn’t just effect the person choosing it, it also effects the family of the person choosing assisted suicide . Also another reason that euthanasia is wrong is because if you do choose assisted suicide you never know what’s going to happen after that moment. For all that you know it could get a whole lot better than what you are at that moment. The last but definitely not least is that Euthanasia denies the patients the final stage of growth.…
1. Recall the activity, idea, or event that gave you the most intense learning “high”. What was it about this situation that was so exciting or pleasing?…
The beginning of the semester we were given an assignment to write our goals, strengths and weaknesses going into clinical. We were informed that they had to be obtainable when deciding what they would be. I thought hard on what mine would be and thankfully with the help of the clinical staff I was able to create my goals, strengths, and weaknesses.…