SOCIAL SUPPORT UPDATE: Client reports no family members here in the USA.
EMPLOYMENT UPDATE: Client is aged exempt from work
RESOURCE UPDATE: Client is undocumented and has no income. Client working paper expired. Client was referred to CAMBA Legal. Appointment it's pending.
SAVING: Client has no money saved.
LEGAL UPDATE: Client was referred to CAMBA Legal for immigration assistance. She also reported she needs a lawyer …show more content…
Client housing plan is to relocate to her country, but she is not leaving without having money.
Client also reported she won $5,000.00 from Wheel of Fortune but failed to submit any letter or document. Client wanted CM to contact Wheel of Fortune.
REVIEW ILP AND CLIENT RIGHTS AND CLIENT CODE OF CONDUCT: CM reiterates the shelter rule and regulations and DHS Code of Conduct and for the client to adhere to the 10pm curfew.
WORKER ASSESSMENT: Client is an elderly lady with medical problems. She was recently discharged from Woodhull Hospital. Client working paper expired and her temporarily Medicaid also expired.
Plan of action: Client to go to Woodhull Hospital to fill her medications scripts and to see a social worker for assistance in re-apply for Medicaid. Client must participate in all scheduled meetings, client must attend to all on-site and off-site medical appointments, client must seek and accept first suitable housing offers, and client must explore other housing options: e.g.; family reunification and client must participate in free immigration services. CM reviewed Initial ILP Review. Client agreed and signed. Next Bi-Weekly is scheduled for