Employee Name Cathy Smith
Title HR Receptionist
Date of Review Period 2010
Supervisor Name Shanna Avery
Department Human Resource
Exceeds Expectations = 5
[employee has exceeded objective, time and quality] More Than Satisfactory = 4
[employee has slightly exceeded either time and/or quality] Satisfactory = 3
[employee has met objective, may be just under objective on time and quality] Less Than Satisfactory = 2
[employee has not met objective on either time or quality] Needs Improvement = 1
[employee far below on both time and quality]
Task Objective/Measurement Results Comments Ranking
Typing 96% accuracy 90% Cathy overall has done a good job with her accuracy, she will continue to work on her accuracy 3
Complete within 48 hours of submission Within 24 hours 5
Filing 98% accuracy 82%, unable to find files for labor issues Cathy is below level on filing. Please figure out a method as to how files can be recovered 2
Complete by end of the day By end of each week Completing files by the end of the day is essential to making sure the organization runs effectively. 1
Answer phones Answer within 3 rings Within 2 rings 2
Screens calls Forwards all calls where she could have provided information Please make sure to screen all calls properly with who, what and when questions 2
Provide messages upon return or availability of staff Feedback that messages not always given to staff It is essential to pass messages to the correct parties at all times to make sure no information is missed. 2
Provide information Provide prompt and accurate information Customers often request to speak to someone else 2
Task Objective/Measurement Results Comments Ranking
Input applications 100% accuracy 70% 2
Complete by job ad deadline Completed by deadline Mail job flyers No returns of flyers 20% of flyers returned due to address changes 2
Mailed day jobs open Mailed on time Distribute staff mail 100% accuracy Unable to track, staff