Attendees: Ray Onyesoh (HWE), Eric Robert-Ingram (youth) and Ms.Bianca Roberts (mother).
Objective: BHH-HWE conducted a FTF at Hedgepeth-Williams Elementary School.
Height: 5'6
Medication: None
Missed School days: None
Upcoming appointments: None
ER Visits: None
Discussion: Eric stated that he is doing well academically and has no issues in school. He reported some minor behavioral challenges in the home, as a result, had his phone taken away.
Emotional Wellness: Eric reported that he continues to struggle with implementing his coping mechanism.
Physical Wellness: Eric reported that he exercises daily and maintaining a healthy eating habit. He continues to express interest in football/after school sports program. …show more content…
Plan: BHH-HWE will continue to provide health and wellness support for Eric and family. The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the