As a community member, parent and teacher I have attended many Board of Education meetings; however, it has always been in the same town. I never really considered that different Boards would conduct themselves so differently; therefore, this was truly an eye opening experience for me, as the meetings I attended exemplified a variety of personalities and procedures. I chose to visit my own district, and the districts located north and south of me. Lacey Township is a large school district, Barnegat is a relatively new K-12 district, and southern Regional School District is in its 59th year and houses many communities, including a history with Barnegat, prior to their expansion from a K-8 school system. All of the schools share students in the Ocean County Vocational & Technical Schools: M.A.T.E.S., Performing Arts, and Law & Public Safety.
Lacey Township has a population of 4,282 students with 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school. There were large packets of materials for the meeting, …show more content…
This district educates 3,173 students in 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school. The meeting was held in the high school library with everyone on the same level. There was a time when our meetings were held in the auditorium and they were on the stage. In order to make if friendlier, they switched to this arrangement which is nice, however, when we have a large meeting, they do not switch the venue, which is most inconvenient for the audience to squish in and defeats the purpose of feeling welcomed. Noted on the Agenda is the connection the Five Year Strategic Plan. For example, item VII. Student Representative (SGP #1, #4, & #5). This provides evidence for attending to the Strategic Plan. Section X. is expressly for the Superintendent’s Information and Comments. During this meeting she spoke of the progress and obstacles challenging the Strategic