Melissa Foster, Stephine Klaas
BSHS/ 375
Trina Glover
Quality Assurance Review
Proper provision of Service.
1. Can he or she use feedback information at all times when talking to the teacher when interacting with your clients? 2. Communication is a must. When working in the community based mental health agency is it important to staff members aware of clients’ behavior traits?
3. Are you familiar with the attendance policy?
4. All clients are special and unique should we overlook their specialty needs for our own personal gain?
Staff, Directors, educators should always bridge the gap of communication on every end. If there is any other sudden surprises that one needs to know about it should not be withheld from anyone. The main focus for everyone is making sure that the organization properly can deliver what is needed and keep everything in perspective.
Client satisfaction with service
As when concerning comes to the competitors, patients, businesses, and operators must be sure that all intake and feedback is needed. Listed below are a few questions that he or she may see time to time if you are a patient, and you receive a survey about the services provided to you.
1) Compared to our competitors, is our services quality better, …show more content…
We would discover the medicine the client was on and what effects it has. The client was suffering from a communicable disease and had been treated on the day the staff member provided services. This could have affected the way the client acted and relayed information. The staff member should have been aware that the client had been treated and the services could have been done on another day. Any information recorded could be affected and therefore it can’t be received by the agency. The teacher who works with the client did say that the staff member does not like