According to the question, “Assume that all items other than vegetables have a low margin of 1% while vegetables have a larger margin of 3%. ”
Assume that you want to maximize the sales of the high margin items by co-locating it near items that often sold in a common basket with them.
How would you organize the store, i.e., what would be items closes to vegetables?
Best rules found: 1. biscuits=t 2605 ==> bread and cake=t 2083 conf:(0.8) 2. milk-cream=t 2939 ==> bread and cake=t 2337 conf:(0.8) 3. fruit=t 2962 ==> bread and cake=t 2325 conf:(0.78) 4. baking needs=t 2795 ==> bread and cake=t 2191 conf:(0.78) 5. frozen foods=t 2717 ==> bread and cake=t 2129 conf:(0.78) 6. vegetables=t 2961 ==> bread and cake=t 2298 conf:(0.78) 7. juice-sat-cord-ms=t 2463 ==> bread and cake=t 1869 conf:(0.76) 8. vegetables=t 2961 ==> fruit=t 2207 conf:(0.75) 9. fruit=t 2962 ==> vegetables=t 2207 conf:(0.75)
10. bread and cake=t 3330 ==> milk-cream=t 2337 conf:(0.7)
11. bread and cake=t 3330 ==> fruit=t 2325 conf:(0.7)
12. baking needs=t 2795 ==> vegetables=t 1949 conf:(0.7)
13. milk-cream=t 2939 ==> fruit=t 2038 conf:(0.69)
14. frozen foods=t 2717 ==> vegetables=t 1882 conf:(0.69)
15. bread and cake=t 3330 ==> vegetables=t 2298 conf:(0.69)
16. milk-cream=t 2939 ==> vegetables=t 2025 conf:(0.69)
17. fruit=t 2962 ==> milk-cream=t 2038 conf:(0.69)
18. frozen foods=t 2717 ==> fruit=t 1861 conf:(0.68)
19. vegetables=t 2961 ==> milk-cream=t 2025 conf:(0.68)
20. baking needs=t 2795 ==> milk-cream=t 1907 conf:(0.68)
According to the test, we have relationships between 1) fruit and vegetables, 2) between baking needs and vegetables, 3) between frozen foods and vegetables, 4) between bread & cake and vegetables, and 5) between milk-cream and vegetables. The confidences of the relation are 0.75, 0.7, 0.69, 0.69 and 0.69 respectively. The confidence