BST 1034
You are now working as a marketing research consultant. Your Managing Director has asked you to conduct a research or study of the market trend in a local University. You have decided to select Multimedia University as the research population.
Type of assignment: Group with members of 6.
Tasks a. Select a Product/brand in which you can apply to the given scenario. b. State the research objectives. c. Create a survey form or questionnaire for your selected scenario. d. Distribute your questionnaires to a minimum of 50 students. e. Present your data and findings in a logical flow. f. Perform the data analysis logically and interpret the results which include i. Descriptive Analysis ii. Relevant hypothesis testing g. Draw a conclusion on your findings (to answer the research objectives).
Submission Date:
7th Jan 2011 (Friday) before 12pm to your respective tutor.
Reminder: Late assignment/project will be reduced at least one letter grade per class day at the discretion of the instructor.
BST1034 Statistics for Managers
Assignment Cover Page
Title/ Product : MILO Tutorial Group : BM 102B
Group members
| |Name |ID |Hp No. |
|G Leader |Bobby Lemong |1092700428 |010-2142677 |
|2 |Vernando Wirapratama |1071118264 |016-6467023 |
|3 |Kanimolee |1091104839 |014-9305741 |
|4 |Wong Meng Lin |1091102975 |016-7751759 |
|5 |Chris Selly Veronica |1071118481 |016-6336072 |
|6 |Rama Aprilita Ibrahim |1081120740 |014-2691112 |
Marking scheme:
To be filled by the examiner
|Marking scheme |Marks allocated |Actual marks |
|Introduction |2 | |
|Research Objectives |4 | |
|Data Analysis |10 | |
|Conclusion |4 | |
|English competency |2 | |
|Questionnaire Design |3 | |
|Total |25 | |
|Reward for every member of the group with members from different |+1 | |
|background | | |
|Penalty (Failed to meet deadline, infringement of copyright, free rider |To be decided | |
|problem, leadership problem etc) | | |