Start point: SIP- Stop, Introspect and Proceed
Every bread winner in a family will strive to earn enough for the present life and yearn to plan for the future. He is pre-occupied with so many priorities in life that he loses the count of the pending issues. In such a myriad situation, he wonders how much I should save and for how long? He cannot distinguish between his savings and might have multiple goals. Present day man is not a Spielberg to keep travelling in the time machine back and forth from the „present‟ to the „future‟ to understand the time value of money.
Whatever may be the price of a “Masala Dosa” or “Colgate paste” he knows that it is becoming increasingly unaffordable. He reminds himself every time like “Gajini” whenever he eats a dosa or may be when he brushes his teeth. Our parents and grandparents in those days procured the „provision items‟ once a year and did not worry about prices on daily basis. In the current decade, we stock „provisions‟ for a week and hence we encounter the price fluctuation frequently.
Present day man knows that he has to save; he knows that it generates return but not exactly as predicted; he knows that expenses grow far more than he expects; he knows that it cannot be predicted; but still wishes to do something today. He becomes desperate and ends up doing something that is not adequate. He needs to overcome these 3 challenges
First Challenge – Money Tense
The investor needs to understand that the money he earns has to be segregated for various purposes. All the money that they earn does not belong to the current period.
They need to monetize their income into „Present Money‟ and „Future Money‟. For every
Rs.100 earned per month, they need to segregate it as
Primary needs such as Rent/EMI, household expenses and taxes
Secondary needs such as retirement and family goals (education, marriage etc)
Finally for lifestyle expenses.
Investor should get a feeling that what is