By using aseptic, a little cultured bacteria was inoculated on the TSA agar. A quadric streak was making. Inoculation loop was heated and keep it cold for a while before the next quadratic streak. Six agar plates were observed for 24 hour at temperature of 30ºC. Choose one from the dense colony and make a sub-culture on the new agar plate. The step was repeated to get a single colony, which is pure colony.
a) Sequestration of bacteria from fish organs
Dissecting set was prepared and soaks it in a beaker that contains 70% alcohol. Took a fish and put it in a dissecting tray. The alcohol was sprayed on the fish surface. The scrapple was sterile and cut along the fish abdomen. Then, using the sterile scissors, cut to the inside to expose the fish organs. Beak the kidney to took the tissue sample by using the inoculation loop. The streak was made on the TSA medium with 2% NaCl. After each streak, the inoculation loop need to heated. The plate was keep for 24 hour at temperature of 30ºC for colony growth.
b) Sequestration of bacteria from shrimp Methodology
Dissecting set was prepared and soaks it in a beaker that contains 70% alcohol. Took a shrimp and put it in a dissecting tray. The alcohol was sprayed on the shrimp surface. The carapace was pulled out by using sterile forceps. The hepatopancrease location was specify and took half of it using inoculation loop. The streak was made on the TSA medium with 2% NaCl. After each streak, the inoculation loop need to heated. The plate was keep for 24 hour at temperature of 30ºC for colony growth.
c) Sequestration of bacteria from bivalve
Dissecting set was prepared and soaks it in a beaker that contains 70% alcohol. Took a cockle and put it in a dissecting tray. The alcohol was sprayed on the cockle surface. The cockle was opened by using knife. A little tissue was taken from the meat by using inoculation loop. The streak was made on the TSA