Hi I’m Jorge and I like to learn from my mistakes, instead of bringing myself down, and I’d like to inspire you to do the same thing I’m going to tell you: why not learning from your mistakes is such a problem, show you some ways how to learn from your mistakes, and lastly what your life would be like if you start learning from your mistakes and what your life would be like if you don’t learn from your mistakes.
One time I was hanging out in town and a bad group of kids came over and sat by my friends and I. “What you guys doing tonight?” they asked. We told them that we were just going to hang out and see if we could stay at somebody’s house. They asked us if we wanted to go to a party. We knew that it would be best to say no and go home, but we made a mistake and say yes. My friend and I hung with these kids until late in the night. They were calling people to see if we could get a ride to the party. The one ride they got said they could pick us up at the school nearby. In my town the curfew for under 18 year olds is 11 p.m. It was 11:55. We should have gone to a friend’s house but instead we walked with them to the school. Half way there bright lights blinded us and a cop car pulled up. He asked us all our information and we ended up getting picked up by