1.1 Research question:
Comparative study and analysis of customer satisfaction from various services provided by different banks (Both private as well as Nationalize banks)
1.2 Objective:
1.2 A Primary objective:
:-To study satisfaction level of customers of different banks with respect to various services provided by banks.
1.2 B Secondary objectives:
:- To study the unique services provided by banks , if any and to study customers response in this respect
:-To study the contemporary issues in banking sector and problems faced by banking sector.
:- To analyze future scenario in the banking industry.(five years down the line)
1.3 Method of data collection: * Primary data collection source : Customer feedback through questionnaire. * Secondary data collection sources: Renowned Journals. Newspaper articles. Official websites of banks.
1.4 Benefits of study :
It will help to understand behavior of bank customers.
It also helps in knowing factors that affects person’s choice of any bank.
Result of study will be useful in improving banking services as well as in increasing the customer satisfaction.
It will lead banks to come up with some new and innovative products and services based on customer’s current requirements.
1.5 Research design:
Research design is going to deal with aspects such as how we will achieve earlier mentioned objectives. As area of our research in not completely new, we chose to use descriptive research design for our research project.
1.6 Data collection and interpretation of data:
Primary data will be collected through questionnaires. The next stage will be analyzing the collected data to get important facts and raw data.
To analyze data collected we will use statistical method such as different test which will include F-test, chi-square test, T-test etc whichever would be feasible.
1.7 Qualification of researchers:
Graduate students
1.8 Budget:
Major costs involved