I think that the censored version of the book shouldn’t be banned because it’s interesting and it shows the actual life of a family in the Holocaust. However, the uncensored version should be banned because it’s disgusting, inappropriate, and it would make most people uncomfortable just by reading it.…
In my opinion, I agree with the author that The Hunger Games is an acceptable, if not beneficial, book to read for our generation. This is because the book highlights important social, gender, and political issues that are happening in the world right now.…
To Kill a Mockingbird, The Catcher in the Rye, and The Scarlet Letter are classic novels that demonstrate sex, profanity, and racism, but what sets these books apart from the rest is the classy way they introduce ideas of sin. Teens of the 21st century are indulging more and more into inappropriate novels. Students are going to school where they are commanded to read books with mindful tactics, sexual content, and vulgar language. We need to help restore youths moral values, and to achieve this we should prohibit certain books from being read and reintroduce the classics alongside new books presenting strong values. Banning books is valid because we may be using books to enhance our children's knowledge, however, books often contain content…
The people who chose to ban this book did have a point, that foul language and violence is not good for a young student to read, but the good in this book should cover up the bad. The foul language in this book was strictly two words, and they were nothing that most students in my school wouldn’t know. As along with the violence, there are video games and movies that have much more intense violence in them, and much younger people view…
All Information i have gotten about this book being banned all support the idea of this book being banned for a main character smoking and some different outlook on religion. Personally i think this is a horrible and no good reason to ban a book from schools where children can sit down and enjoy a book meant to show them an adventure. My personal opinion is that the only time a book should be taken away from people is if the…
A banned/challenged book is material that has been removed because people believe that it is too inappropriate to read. Especially in schools. The reason books are challenged or even banned is that the topics the book covers are sensitive for people to handle. Such as racial themes, profanity, and violence. The novel The Catcher in the Rye would be challenged because it showed a child going through an adult life with vulgar language, sexual references, and underage drinking. After all the reasons why the novel got challenged I still believe that is should not be.…
Vocabulary.com describes censorship as blocking something from being read, heard, or seen. Aucklandlibraries.com describes a banned book as being prohibited from being published or circulated by a government authority. Many books have been banned or challenged. Some of the reasons for banning books is offensive language, sexual content, racial themes, religious content, alternative lifestyle, profanity, violence, negativety, and political views, people also say that books challenge and interrogate people. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette tells you about her life story and how her family treated her and her siblings. In this novel, the family is always short on cash and food. They are always running away, Rex Walls (the father) runs from his problems. Their family is dysfunctional, the father is an alcoholic, the mother has a mental illness, and the children have no friends. This book would be banned becasue of all the profanity, strong sexual content, alcoholism, abuse, and child molestation. I disagree with the banning of…
Things have been banned for centuries because of racial issues, encouragement of damaging lifestyle, blasphemous dialog, sexual situations or dialog, violence or negativity, presence of witchcraft, religious affiliations of unpopular religions, political bias, and age inappropriate (Butler University), the most common initiators of book challenges are parents, and the most common settings for book challenges are schools, school libraries, and public libraries (American Library Association). The first banned book was by William Pynchon and the book was called The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, it was banned in 1650 right after its release (Stephanie Sylverne). This book was banned because Pynchon apparently “argued a point of Puritan doctrine that was opposed to the usual teachings of the ministers and leaders”, because he was a powerful member of the community, he was not convicted of heresy, but was instead sent away to Springfield to think about what he had done. (Stephanie Sylverne).…
Why do you think books are banned and challenged? Well, books are banned and challenged for many reasons. Reasons like they may contain sexual content, explicit language, racism, and a wide variety of other reasons. Did you know that parents initiate 9 out of 10 challenges on books? Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information ("About Banned & Challenged"). Once the book is banned, readers have either limited or no access to it. Although many books are banned and challenged, Looking For Alaska is a banned book because of its sexual preferences, alcoholism, and frequently…
Did you ever think that books that contain sex, obscene language, and immoral subjects could make a good book? The Catcher in the Rye is a prime example. The book has been on the banned reading list since the days following its publishing. The book was said to be “immoral and inappropriate that in 1960, a teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was fired for assigning the book to an eleventh-grade English class.” (“Banned Book: The Catcher”) The Catcher in the Rye should be read in schools because it gives a crystal clear image on how the world contains sex, violence, and motifs of lying and deception.…
Books are banned or challenged because they have capacity to “corrupt” a reader's mind or influence. Banning a novel is actually one of the greatest things that can happen or be “awarded” to a book. The Great Gatsby is an example of one of these great books that was banned. The book was banned in 1987 by a Baptist college in Charleston, yet it is considered of one the “Great American Novels” and a literary classic. The book was banned for language and some sexual content. By examining the language, sexual content, and alcohol use in the book; I believe that it should be banned and removed from younger students libraries until they reach high school.…
The Catcher in the Rye. The Scarlet Letter. Huckleberry Finn. Harry Potter. The Diary of Anne Frank. Animal Farm. To Kill a Mockingbird. The Da Vinci Code. The Grapes of Wrath. These literary classics have been vital to the education of many, especially children and adolescents (Banned Books). These great novels both teach important values and educate children about world affairs and classic themes. Unfortunately, each of these novels has been banned at one point in time. In a country where freedom is so adamantly advocated, it is a wonder that an issue like censorship would even come up, that such a controversy would sink its claws into the minds of states’ boards of education across the nation. Censorship is a needless restriction placed on developing minds that need the morals and values that banned books can give.…
It’s ignorant to even challenge a book because of its content. In the article, Schools and Censorship: Banned Books it states that, “Every day someone tries to control or otherwise restrict oral expressions, broadcast messages, or written words.” Trying to control what others read is foolish! In fact, Everyone should have the right to read what they want. Especially teenagers, which are entering adulthood and should know to make the right decisions. Moreover, in the article it also states that “our basic right — the freedom to express ourselves as we see fit — is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States' Constitution, ensuring the freedom to express one's opinion even if that opinion might be considered unpopular or unorthodox.” It’s like our right is being violated. Many children are being pulled away from books because they contain certain things that their parents think are not appropriate for their age, but it’s not like they should hide those things from…
There are articles written over censorship and banned books. One of the articles listed that religion has been the most frequently cited reason for banning a book. Literary works are still challenged, censored and banned for many different reasons. Books as varied as Judy Blume's Forever, Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James, and The Holy Bible have been challenged by parents and school boards who judge the author's writings. Books are often challenged for the language they contain, sexual content, violence, and religion. However, since we have our basic right; the freedom to express ourselves as we see fit, it is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States’ Constitution. Which ensures the freedom to express one’s opinion even if that opinion might be unpopular, or unorthodox. But…
Since the school shooting in Connecticut, the debate about gun control has been the topic for discussion. The reaction all over the country is "change or repeal the Second Amendment." The Second Amendment is one of the reasons we have more guns than any country on the planet. Some people believe that banning guns will decrease the number of crimes committed in the United States because they believe guns are the roots of all crime, and banning guns will decrease the murder rates and give everyone a peace of mind. While others believe that abolishing guns would not change anything. People would still get murdered, robbers would still rob, and it would not make people feel safer, it could in fact do the opposite. Appealing the second Amendment will not sufficiently work unless the government was to go through every home and building- through peoples personal belongings- and take every gun they see. Guns are not the problem, people are. What we need is reliability from the government, stricter regulations on gun control, and better examples set.…