There is no biblical justification saying that people from different ?races? should not marry. If you took the time to put your prejudges aside and look deeper to its meaning you would see that the biblical basis for marriage makes it quite clear that a Christian should marry only a Christian. Therefore if you are a white Christian female and marry a black Christian male, there should be no problem. Unfortunately that is not the case because there are too many people in this world that still feel that whites should be with whites and so on. God forbid we have such things as ? racial impurities.?. But it?s not just whites that frown again black-white marriages. Black women take a high number in being against the unity of black males and white females as well. It?s called ?Marriage …show more content…
Does society play a big role into who you should fall in love with ? Of course. Coming from New York City to Bardstown, Kentucky I?ve had to deal with plenty of comments and prejudges about being in an interracial relationship. It?s all about where you come from, how you are raised. If you are brought up to see color then of course you will see a problem in interracial relationships, but at least be honest about it and say that you are racist. Don?t try to make it seem like all who partake in an interracial relationships are going to hell because they are going against God?s will. There is absolutely no where in the bible that states it is wrong to date another color. Also, how about keeping to yourself your views. We live in America, where we have the freedom to do as we chose. You don?t have to marry or be in a relationship outside of your race, but if I chose to do so and I?m happy, stay out of my business. Ignorance is the problem with the world today, not blacks marrying whites , or other racial