but most people do not like change and keep it the same and they do not want to date out of race because it easy they do not take the time out and try something different for them and have time to learn from different culture. The world is change sooner the world will be different to society and it going to place where everyone can be free what they want to do for them self and make them happy as a person. It a lot people who fears saying the wrong thing and they think it is still part of racism but we have not gotten pass it of racism how your partner be effect of the way you think of them and how they think of you what they say. The time we as a people who has dated outside of the race people like being outside of the race because they will something new about their partner. In my time, I have dated outside of my race before it was a good thing because I had fun because learn about my different myself and I do not mind dating my race but each people have their own preference of people who they like and it understandable because not lot of people who do like interracial dating. The parents will be effect about the kids and will be bullied about how their parents are two different type of races.
Interracial dating is being showed 43 years ago in the united states it was over 50 states that approved for Interracial dating and it was fully affect to people who was accepted by Blacks, Whites, Asian and Hispanic (January 25,2011). In the 1884 Fredrick Douglass married Helen Pitts it was in the early 1800’s it was around the time that slavery had ended so after his late wife Anna Murray past away, and the second wife did not care about the way he looks and she was not afraid to marry a man of color (January 25,2011). The time that interracial couple was going it was not showed a lot how it is today because there were arguments about why this race is dating this race because they do not like this race but it was really for that has an agreement of love for each other. America has increased their diversity in dating and married but 5.3 million are dating and it really depends where you from and what your race (March 8, 2016). It lots of people who want to date other people who is outside of their race because it they want to know what is so good about dating someone who not part of the same race as you and see if they like it. There are few people who do it for experiments if they want to continue with interracial dating and how long because it is some prejudiced toward to each other for their own lifestyle for relationship. I know a few people who like dating because it they can be longtime friends and one want to be more then friends, it can be a high school relationships and can be from a party, where you live, or it from social media. That where it lots of people who do find love these are some places where it relevant to people of what they do on their time. There is some people who really do not lot other races to date it some people take as it that the do not like there race because the find the wrong person who treated them bad from the same race and the do not want to keep dating other people from different races. When dating other race some people do not want to date some black women because they think because it hardest race to date. Everyone think that the type stereotype for some black women or any other races because they do not want to approve it. This year it has been lot of interracial dating and there was a movie call Get Out was made by Jordan Peele he is was comedy and now a directed his own movie. This movie is about interracial couple that take a trip to the parents and the was action on people who lost abilities so they are taking over people bodies by transferring brains to control of the other person body. It is about how to be careful around people who date and that movie made it social awkward for interracial couples (February 24, 2017). I have not had a hard time to see that can possible happen to any race because it can be really happened to people if they do not check what they do. The hardest thing is meeting the parents because you do not know their response to the interracial dating. There can be lot of people who has their reason they will or will not care about who date it all about how they treated them right, but it is few people who can stand it because it is disrespecting their culture and they feel like it should not be happening. It has been time that parents have disowned their child because they are not part of what the dating life. It has been going for a while because it is still issue to some certain people in united states. I like it because I have dated outside of my race before I dated Native American and Hispanic they were good experience for me I learn from both and I a fun time because I see what other interracial couple had problem with and had dirty looks and people talking be hide my back about me and how did I got this girl or I must have paid her to go on a date with me it was really was I ask her out it she said yes but it did not last long. I see where some people do not like to have a happy dating lifestyle. It their way of saying you do not like dating in our race because is it too boring and not exciting for you or they make it about them and their problem why they cannot find relationship for their fitting. It is some Pros and Cons about some interracial couples and dating someone can your own viewpoint on other people can be true or false and my view point can be both some people can be respectful and disrespectful that is one of my view on people and how they influence people.
The pro is learning more about someone else and how they feel about interracial dating and to see is what they feel on it the type life style they want to live and are they happy with their decision making. The con is always being aware what you do in a social place and some people will be shocked an act like that a problem but it not because they are living and that who they want to date (April 28,2016). The one problem is the kids will be effect of how their parents look how they be treated but they will rise the child how their parents raise them and teach them how to love each other do not matter of race and how they feel about the other person in their own point of view if they want to date outside of their race if they do not fit their choice to make it is there lives. It hard to be different in this society but when your get older nobody will care and you can do it whatever what you do is the choice to do. Interracial dating is good thing to take a chance and give it a chance then ask then how they feel about interracial dating. If they like interracial dating they will continue interracial dating. My idea of interracial dating is something where I like and I do not discriminate any race because you learn from different people and their culture and they can learn my culture how we talk, listen to music and what type of activities we like and what are some summarily and differences toward food or religion. That one way to learn from the person you are dating. At the end of the day you are having the fun with that you are in love with they know that you love each other. Interracial dating is something that everyone should try one time in the life time while going around dating someone
for a difference.