In my religion which is Catholicism, I believe that Jesus Christ, is the son of God. He was sent down to Earth by God to save us from our sins and was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born from Virgin Mary. Jesus was sent from the holy land to Rome to be tried and was then persecuted by the romans and they crucified him on the cross. I believe in the Stations of the Cross because it helps me understand what Jesus when through during his percussion. He died on the cross for us as per Gods plan. I also believe in the resurrection of the Lord as 3 days after his death he rose again. The rituals are Holy mass, Baptism, Holy Communion, confession, praying the rosary, confirmation, and last rites. I practice my faith everyday by saying my daily prays, by receiving the body of Christ every week at holy mass. I sometimes say the Holy rosary and the divine mercy prayer. I too go to church for important feasts such as Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, assumption of Mother Mary.
I have difficulty in going for confession as I feel that I would rather confess directly to God than to a priest. I have difficulty in understanding priests who preach the sermon because I have trouble understanding their accent or the sermon is not captivating, by certain priests in Dubai. I find the voices of the choir comforting at it sooths me and makes me want to sing along and get a deeper understanding of Christ and his ways. I too feel comforting after I have said the prayer after Holy Communion as I feel that my sins have been cleansed since Christ has entered my body. I find the ‘I believe’ the most relevant prayer as it describes Jesus’ life in the whole prayer. I feel that it is the second most powerful prayer after the ‘Lords prayer’.
Why has God given me the good things in life, whereas there are so many children in this world that don’t even have the basic necessities of life i.e. clean drinking water, food, shelter and clothing and are living in