• 12 or more logically sequenced/focused sentences
7 points – There are 12 or more logically sequenced, complete, and coherent sentences focused on a single topic.
5 points - There are at least 10 logically sequenced, complete, and coherent sentences focused on a single topic.
3 points - There are at least 8 logically sequenced, complete, and coherent sentences focused on a single topic.
2 points - There are at least 6 logically sequenced, complete, and coherent sentences focused on a single topic.
0 points – There are less than 6 sentences focused on a single topic. The designated prompt is not addressed.
• Spelling
1 point – Spelling does not interfere with the readability of the piece. All of the incorrectly spelled words are easily decipherable to the reader within 3 seconds.
0 points – Spelling interferes with the readability of the piece. One or more of the incorrectly spelled words is not easily decipherable to the reader.
• Capitalization/Punctuation
2 points – Capitalization and punctuation errors do not interfere with the readability of the piece.
1 point – There are some capitalization and punctuation errors that interfere somewhat with the readability of the piece.
0 points – Capitalization and punctuation errors are so numerous that they interfere with the readability of the piece.
• Opening paragraph
2 points – There is an opening paragraph consisting of two or more sentences that address the prompt and answers who?, what?, when?, where?, and why? where applicable.
1 point – There is an opening paragraph consisting of two or more sentences that address the prompt and answer who?, what?, when?, where?, and why? where applicable.