Myzia 1
Scott Myzia
Victoria Schmidt
English 101
Writer’s Checklist for Informational Essay
1. Does my introduction clearly state my thesis and give the reader an indication of the direction my essay will take? 2. Are my topic sentences and body paragraphs clear and well developed? 3. Have I fully supported my thesis with ample supporting details and examples? 4. Have I used a sufficient number and variety of sources in my paper? 5. Are all of my sources properly cited in the body of my paper according to MLA format? 6. Does my conclusion effectively summarize my main points and restate my thesis in different words? 7. Have I carefully proofread and revised my paper for sentence variety, word-choice, grammar, and punctuation? 8. Does my Works Cited page include only the sources cited in the text? Is it correctly formatted? 9. Have I used the correct margins, line spacing, and other format issues required by the MLA sample essay and the sample provided by my instructor?
Myzia 2
Myzia 2
Scott Myzia
Victoria Schmidt
English 101
The Path to Becoming and Being a United States Marshal
The Path to Becoming and Being a United States Marshal
In the past, Marshals were mostly strikebreakers. They confronted what they saw as anarchy, and dealt with it. Members of the executive branch had also ignored the separation of powers principle by mixing themselves with federal courts to suppress strikes. Marshals became weapons. (Jackson 1) However, Today their job is different then the rest of the Justice force. U.S. Marshals have to have more experience and training then most federal agents. This is because there are very few of them and there are many people trying to fill a low number of jobs. Trying to become, and furthermore, be a United States Marshal, can be very tough. The physical and mental fitness tests
Cited: Myzia 4 Myzia 4 Jackson, Donald Dale. “Take the oath, put on the badge and do the job.” Smithsonian. April 01,1989. Vol. 20, Issue 1, p114-125 Kennedy, Edward. “Appointment and Qualifications of U.S. Marshals”, April 2, 2003. Pages 1-6. 13-02-13