Professor Fernandez
English 101
April 28, 2013
Writer’s Checklist for Informational Essay
1. Does my introduction clearly state my thesis and give the reader an indication of the direction my essay will take? I believe so. I outline my various topics effectively in my thesis.
2. Are my topic sentences and body paragraphs clear and well developed? Yes.
3. Have I fully supported my thesis with ample supporting details and examples? Yes.
4. Have I used a sufficient number and variety of sources in my paper? I have used two journal/book sources, as well as two web sources.
5. Are all of my sources properly cited in the body of my paper according to MLA format? Yes.
6. Does my conclusion effectively summarize my main points and restate my thesis in different words? Yes, I revisit my main points as well as my thesis.
7. Have I carefully proofread and revised my paper for sentence variety, word choice, grammar, and punctuation? Yes.
8. Does my Works Cited page include only the sources cited in the text? Is it correctly formatted? Yes.
9. Have I used the correct margins, line spacing, and other format issues required by the MLA sample essay and the sample provided by my instructor? Yes, I used the sample paper format to build my paper.
Jennifer McPherson
Professor Fernandez
English 101
April 28, 2013
Compound Bow 101: Which bow is right? Robin Hood splitting his opponent’s arrow is one of the most iconic movie moments in 20th century cinema. However, until recently, archery lived on as a niche sporting market usually reserved for hunters. The interest in Archery as a recreational sport has steadily risen over the last decade. According to Jim Idema, the release of movies such as “The Hunger Games” has spurred an influx of teenagers and young college students to archery ranges across the country (1). Many of these beginning archers simply rent
Cited: Engh, Douglas. “Shooting Compound.” In Engh, Douglas (ed.), Archery Fundamentals, Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, c2005, p.41-50. United States: 2005. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Idema, Jim. “Movie Points Teens Towards Archery.” Grand Rapids Business Journal 30.39 2012: 9. Regional Business News. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Winke, Bill. “Winke: Tips For Selecting Your Compound Bow.” Peterson’s Bowhunting., 27 May 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. “Bow Selection.” Hunters Friend, LLC, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013