Enter the email address of the Battle.net account. If this form is to request the transfer of a World of
Warcraft or Diablo III game license to a different Battle.net account, enter the email address of the destination account and the name of the World of Warcraft license on the following lines.
Battle.net Account Email: _______________________________________________________
Destination Battle.net Account Email: _____________________________________________
World of Warcraft License: ______________________________________________________
Section B: Battle.net Account Contact Information
Enter the new contact information for the Battle.net account.
First Name: ________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State/Province: ____________________________
Zip Code: ______________ Country: ______________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
New Parental Control Email*: ____________________________________________________________
* Only needed when setting up parental controls.
Section C: Battle.net Account Holder's Identification
Circle the type of attached government-issued photo identification:
Driver's License
State ID
Military ID
Government Employee ID
For name change requests, circle the additional identification attached:
Birth/Adoption Certificate
Death Certificate
Marriage License
Decree of Divorce
Name Change Certificate
Section D: Requested Services
Please circle the services needed:
Battle.net Account Recovery
Deactivate Authenticator
Password Reset
Secret Question Retrieval
Update Parental Control
Paid Character Transfer
Activate Parental Controls
Removal of Parental