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The book begins by explaining who Amarante Cordova is, and what his life has been like, to set the background of one of the main characters. Armarante and his wife, Elizabeth, had thirteen children, Nadia, Jorge, Polito, Maria Ana, Berta, Roberto, Billy, Nazario, Gabriel, Ricardo, Sally, Patsy, and Cipriano. Elizabeth made her way to the rim of the gorge, ravens circling high in the sky (image 1). As time went on many of Amarante’s children passed away, he was out lasting many of his children, and even at his old age, was in much better health than most of his children that were alive. Sensing that he may be dying, one of Amarante’s daughters sent a letter to all of the other sons and daughters saying that they should come and say their final goodbyes this Christmas. Many wrote back saying things like, “NO! I just came for Mama’s funeral!” (John Nichols, 1974) and “What is Papa trying to do to us all? I’m no spring chicken, Sally. I got a heart condition. I’m blind in one eye. I got bursitis so bad in one shoulder I cant lift my hand above my waist. And I’ve got diabetes!” (John Nichols, 1974). Only a few showed up, and at Christmas dinner a death occurred, but it wasn’t Amarante, it was Jorge, who had a heart attack. Next we are introduced to another main character, learn more about the situation at hand, and find out more about Amarante’s background. Joe Mondragon, a thirty-six year old man is introduced, as the main player in the upcoming events. We learn background information about Joe and the situation at hand. Milagro used to thrive through sheep herding and crops, but after the war much of their land and irrigation rights were taken away by the treaty, big corporations, and the national park bill. All these things build up on the town of Milagro causing the west side of town to become a ghost town, which is where Joe and Amarante are the only residences. Joe is a master of all trades, he could fix anything and