Vol. 3 Issue 9, Sept.-2014, pp: (9-14), Impact Factor: 1.296, Available online at: www.erpublications.com
Consumer Behavior towards Usage of Smartphone
(In Rohtak City)
Sudha Rani1, Neeta Sharma2
Student of M. Phil., Department of commerce, MDU, Rohtak, Haryana
Purpose: Despite the rapidly growing competition, the study of consumer behavior is very important. The aim of this paper is to analyze the consumer preference for brand of Smartphone (in Rohtak city) and second, to determine whether there is a significant difference between preferences for features of smart phones on the basis of gender (special reference to
Blackberry, Samsung, Apple and Nokia).
Design/methodology/approach: An empirical study using descriptive research design and convenience sampling was applied. Data is collected with the help of questionnaire and used independent sample t-test for analysis.
Findings: The study „s measure findings revealed that maximum Smartphone users are female respondent who are students and have income level 5000-30000 P.M and reason of selection of current Smartphone are features that gives them many facilities like internet and many apps. It is also a status symbol. Findings also revealed that, male respondents are more aware about Smartphone features as compared to female respondents.
Research limitations/implications : respondent might having more than one Smartphone, but for this research work, data of only one Smartphone has been accepted from one respondent.
Practical implications: The methodology employed here can be easily applied by marketers for evaluating customer behaviors and service quality performance for improved decision making and resource allocation.
Keywords: Smartphone, PDA, GPS navigation system, apps.
Paper type: Research paper.
Marketing start with the consumer and end with the consumer. Under the modern marketing
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