To begin with, bystanders are people who …show more content…
They might think that the bully will bully them too. In Source 3, I read that sometimes they will also think it is none of their business. There has been other cases when the bystander said they didn't think they could help or didn't know what to do. The excuse that is normally used is the excuse that explains, they thought it would be considered tattling. These were the main reasons why students won't tell on the bully.
Don't become a bully or a bystander; they are both terrible. Do you want to see the problem, encourage the bully, don't do anything, or be someone who won't stop the bully because of an excuse. Don't become a bully because you want power. Don't let someone else be a bully either. Think about this, there wouldn't be a bully without a bystander to encourage the bully. So which do you think would be worse, a bully who takes all the blame for suicide, or the bystander who secretly knows they could have made a