My strengths as an actor during the rehearsal period, I believe included my attendance as I had arrived on time to every single rehearsal for my performance in Blood Brothers which means I was able to fully go through what I needed to do every session and make sure I did it. This included rehearsing with all of the others in my cast and also planning our set up and staging, including props costume and set. Also being in for every session made me more relaxed and made me feel ore prepared which meant others felt able to rely on me which helped the rest of my group relax as well, because of this we were all less nervous and worried for our final performance. Another strength I had was probably my ability to learn my lines quickly, this meant that when it came to performing in front of the rest of the class I felt prepared after the first couple of rehearsals, this lead me to have had a good evaluation from them straight away as they pointed out that one of the aspects in my initial performance was my fluency in my lines. I also believe as a whole cast our characterisation and character development was a very big strengh as we all helped each other make sure we knew the characters and could interpret and portray the characters as effectively as possible, this was done through character profiles, in role diaries and some research.
In comparison I believe that some of my weaknesses as an actor included the fact I could have maybe gave my character a bit more of an emotional range to enable her to change her emotions and be more clear towards the audience in her change throughout the play. I also believe that during the rehearsal period that as a group we did not sometimes work together and support each other as one member f our cast repeatedly refused to rehearse as she believed she was fully prepared which meant we were missing several characters during rehearsals making it extremely difficult to effectively practice and