have to repeat them after high school saving them time and money. Because they are allowed to double their college credit as high school credit, students can receive their diploma faster since college classes take a semester or less to complete versus a high school class which takes two semesters to complete. If a student decides to classes on campus they will also get a good idea of what it is like to attend college as well as the difference in work load. They will learn how a college student has to prioritize their time so when they graduate high school and have to work more to pay for their classes they will have a head start in understanding how difficult it will really be. Attending college in high school also looks very good on a college application because it shows a student is responsible and capable of handling a college work load. It may also help a student who doesn’t know what to major in find something that interests them. Though this seems great, it’s not for everyone. If a student has a hard time managing time and stress they may have a hard time keeping their grades up which could be devastating since the grades will go on their permanent record. The student must also be willing to give up a lot of their extra time to hang out with friends and have fun because they will have more homework. Although there are some drawbacks, duel enrolling could certainly help certain students ovoid future debt.
have to repeat them after high school saving them time and money. Because they are allowed to double their college credit as high school credit, students can receive their diploma faster since college classes take a semester or less to complete versus a high school class which takes two semesters to complete. If a student decides to classes on campus they will also get a good idea of what it is like to attend college as well as the difference in work load. They will learn how a college student has to prioritize their time so when they graduate high school and have to work more to pay for their classes they will have a head start in understanding how difficult it will really be. Attending college in high school also looks very good on a college application because it shows a student is responsible and capable of handling a college work load. It may also help a student who doesn’t know what to major in find something that interests them. Though this seems great, it’s not for everyone. If a student has a hard time managing time and stress they may have a hard time keeping their grades up which could be devastating since the grades will go on their permanent record. The student must also be willing to give up a lot of their extra time to hang out with friends and have fun because they will have more homework. Although there are some drawbacks, duel enrolling could certainly help certain students ovoid future debt.