
Benefits Of Genetic Engineering In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

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Benefits Of Genetic Engineering In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
Benefits of Genetics Engineering
Medical technology is used for a vast range of diagnostics, treatments and to monitor patients. All the past studies included gained knowledge is actively moving to the empowerment to a disease-free life. This process is known was genetic engineering, which is modification of the genetics to combat illness. The process of engineering is completed by changing the sequences of the DNA protein, either recombining or taking out the found mutated gene. Through the years, we were able to enhance human life over its maximum expectancy and still continue to progress. This is showcased in Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein novel. In the story, Frankenstein puts together body parts of different people, trying to create a perfect
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Developing devices and computers to improve human conditions can eliminate and enhance individuals. When comparing previous decades to now, we made progress people thought we couldn’t make; people were still shaking sticks at the sky asking a sprit for guidance. For example, we have found a way to cope with physical disabilities involving artificial parts; real-life cyborgs (Cho n.p.). Scientist also found a way to select certain traits for future children, which scientists call designer babies (Cho n.p.). This is a way for scientists and doctors, with a parent’s approval, to take DNA from the baby whilst still in the womb and tweak the genes to get a desired look. “Advances in genetics mean we don't have to rely on evolution…choose the genes that we wish to pass onto…future generations and bypass the genetic lottery”, this means we can totally surpass the guessing of how a child is going come out (Cho n.p.). With the capacity to overcome inherited genetics, we have the power to create a perfect human, like Frankenstein tried to …show more content…
Through the year, our understanding of genetics and heredity was amplified by the discovery of duplicating DNA with natural engineering, building lego-like circuits, moving bodily processes faster and faster (Coker n.p.). "Every time one of our cells duplicates itself, a couple of hundred DNA mutations occur" and because the body have way more than 10 trillion cells, that easily accounts for trillions of mutations in one person, over the course of a human life (Coker n.p.). A newly sought-out aspect to genetic engineering is that it shifts dominance from microorganisms to humans, from randomness to awareness, as said before. Changing DNA within organisms and transferring DNA from one species to another is not bizarre or unusual, bacteria in nature is transmitting it out every

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