Experienced Benefits and Barriers of e-Business Technology Adoption by SME suppliers
Ali Abu Abid1, Md Mahbubur Rahim2, and Helana Scheepers3
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faculty of Computer Sciences, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Caulfield School of IT, Monash University, Australia
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
_____________________ Abstract E-business technologies present unique opportunities and challenges for businesses, and Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are no exception. However, there is a rich body of the e-business literature concentrates on adoption concerns from SMEs buyers’ viewpoint, little research has so far been reported from the viewpoint of SME suppliers. Participation of SME suppliers needs to be ensured in order to use the full potential of e-business technologies. This study was thus initiated to identify the experienced and expected benefits and barriers to adoption of ebusiness technologies from the viewpoint of group SME suppliers. In general, the findings designate that the SME suppliers have experienced numerous impediments that they need to overcome for the successful implementation of e-business technologies. The suppliers also have a broader view of e-business benefits than just cost saving. Keywords: SME supplier, Adoption, Benefits, Barriers, experienced, E-business. ____________________________________________________________
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