"Beowulf" illustrates how Beowulf is a hero. A hero is the central admirable figure in the novel. He is admirable to the reader and the town's people. He is admirable because of the tasks he has done. He also offers to help them, and not only does he offer but also he carries out his task. He saves the town from the horrible beast. The reader admires Beowulf because they only know one side of the story, which is Beowulf's. The author spun the story to make Beowulf a hero.…
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the character of Beowulf? Perhaps a fictional warrior that was a hero to the people of his country? How about someone that "achieved glory before death"? These are just two of many characteristics of the extraordinary character of Beowulf. According to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, a hero can be defined as "a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities". After pondering the meaning of this powerful word, it is clear that Beowulf is considered to be a hero of the fifth century. In modern times, however, the word hero is utilized very rarely. Despite this, an exception can be made for one of the most renowned heros of modern day. Like Beowulf, Martin Luther King Jr. can be distinguished as a hero. Both of these heros died fighting for their…
Being a hero means you have amazing achievements, people look up to you, you are brave. Beowulf is a good example of an epic hero. One of my favorite similar epic hero is Spiderman because they resemble each other in different ways. Beowulf and Spiderman are two heroic figures that show Courage and Bravery, Selflessness, and they both care in some kind of way.…
Epic heroes possess many traits that other characters lack. Among these are physical strength, bravery, and wisdom. These attributes aid the heroes with their journeys throughout the epic. Beowulf exemplifies each of these traits somewhere is the story. They aid him in his battles with monsters and allow him to be a leader to his people. These traits cause Beowulf to stand out among his peers and endear him to the reader. Beowulf is definitely a perfect example of an epic hero. Beowulf's physical strength, bravery, and wisdom characterize him as an epic hero.…
A hero can be defined as a person who is admired or idealized and can often resolves issues. Beowulf is an epic hero; he has a great amount of strength and knowledge to defeat a monster. In contrast, the average delivery man can fight through traffic and dodge speeding tickets in order to fulfill our hunger. Despite the fact that Beowulf and a delivery man face different battles, they are both hero’s.…
Beowulf’s first heroic traits were his use of strtength and courage. With his courage he was able to stand up and protect his fellow people and with his strength it helped him defate his eniemies. For example, in the battle with Grendel,”And defate, the tears torn out of Grendel’s/ Taut throat, hell’s captive caught in the arms/ Of him who of all then men on earth/ Was the strongest” (346-349). In this quote Beowulf showed great strength in the battle with Grendel. He made his enemy run for his life. With Beowulf’s strength he had made the people feel safe again. Everyone thought he had amzing courage for coming face to face with the evil Grendel. In addition, “But so massive that no ordinary man could lift/ From its scabbard, broke the chain on its hilt” (488-490). In the quote, Beowulf showed his strength and lifted a sword that no regular man could lift. His strength allowed him to dominate in battle. If it were not for his pure strength or couage, he would not have been able to dafate Grendel or his mother.…
According to Emerson's essay he considers Beowulf a hero because he fits all the qualities of the heroes. A hero has to be respected by others Beowulf was respected, when he was fighting Grendel, the Danes wanted to help him; "Many a noble of Beowulf brandished his battle sword old would guard the live of his lord and protector." They are applying that he is very high and mighty. Emerson also says a hero has to have a war-like attitude. Beowulf portrays this when it describes him. “The stout-hearted warrior snatched as he slumbered, seizing hand with-grip”. Emerson also said that a hero has to have fortitude. One sees that he has fortitude when it says; “The foe i must grapple, fight for my life then foeman with foeman.” Emerson said a hero…
Beowulf has many of the characteristics to classify him as a hero. For example he’s brave, sacrificial, strong, caring and patient. Evidence from the text where Beowulf shows/develops these characteristics are:…
In the story Beowulf, there was a lot of events that happened. Beowulf helped the people of Herot. One of the events that happened, Beowulf killed Grendel and that wasn't even for his people. Beowulf went out of his way and saved them, that just who Beowulf is. A lot of people have argued about Beowulf being a hero or not. Beowulf risked his own life to protect the danes. He was the only one strong enough to kill Grendel and to take him down. Not only did he kill Grendel but killed Grendel’s mother too. Being a hero is saving one other, standing up for other people and having confidence. Beowulf showed all the signs of being a hero. If it wasn’t for Beowulf,…
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" -Joseph Campbell. The story I'm writing about is the Epic poem call Beowulf, which was translated by Burton Raftel. Beowulf is a hero who defeated many monster that are killing innocent people. In his life, as a hero, Beowulf shows that he is bossy, independent, and fearless; which are all the qualities of a real Epic hero.…
In the epic poem of "Beowulf" the main character is the hero in the land of the Geats and the Danes. Beowulf is helpful, courageous, and determined. He proves to be the bravest and most daring. On his journeys he shows how being a hero is not only determined on brute strength, but by interior qualities as well. Beowulf is helpful to the Danes by freeing them from their 12 long years of panic and terror.…
The hero is an age-old concept that describes someone that will defend their honor to the end. In Beowulf, the author portrays the warrior Beowulf and his three battles in such a way as to clearly define what it means to be a hero. Fred Robinson and J. R. R. Tolkien addressed heroism in Beowulf regarding the warrior’s traits, as well as his battles and burial. The author of Beowulf defines the hero through Beowulf’s three battles with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. In this poem, each monster possesses a specific quality undesired by heroes. Beowulf battles anger/jealousy, vengeance, and greed/selfishness for the good of his Geat nation. As Beowulf fends off these anti-hero traits, he becomes capable of being a great leader of the Geats due to his divine piety – ultimately allowing him to be deified during his two burial ceremonies. Therefore, in Beowulf, the hero must utilize divine piety to overcome greed, vengeance, and jealousy in order to protect his nation.…
What is a hero? Many people have different definitions of what a hero can be for example Beowulf. In the story Beowulf, Beowulf the hero is described as a great fighter and a man of tremendous strength. In my opinion a hero is not what the story describes a hero as. my definition of a hero is a good person who does something nice or saves somebody. A hero can also be someone you look up too. The Hollywood's definition of a hero is way different than my definition of a hero their definition of a hero is somebody who saves lives, has supernatural powers and are always protagonist in the stories. Some traits a hero has to make him a hero are they are nice, brave, have powers, caring and are patient. My definition and Hollywood's definition of…
The loyalty of Beowulf as a hero, is shown in many different ways. Beowulf helps others, even when it doesn’t involve him. Beowulf is the type of hero that will go out of his way to help someone in need. That, to me, is a very loyal thing to do. Even toward the end of his life, Beowulf said “I’ve never known fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old now, but I will fight again.” (Lines 624-626) This passage is proof of Beowulf’s loyalty.…
An epic hero is a man of extraordinary strength, distinguished courage, and talent admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. I believe heroes should hold many qualities upon themselves such as sacrifice, focus, bravery, courage, determination, and loyalty. A hero, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act, and is regarded as a model or ideal. Beowulf is a character of a legendary epic hero. He becomes a leader of his people, which is destined to face the source of danger.he is willing to risk his life for the greater good, his people. He is also willing to face his fears, and meet them head on. Beowulf makes difficult/ hard decisions, even when the outcome is bad. And Beowulf demonstrates in many ways all the characteristics and qualities of being a true hero.…